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Palastina vs Israel

There is so much pain, so much hurt! We are imbalanced within us and around us. Deeply wounded. I wish we could all zoom out as a collective and expand our understanding and look at the bigger picture. Stop blindly following the system's narrative, which is deliberately designed to corral us into one side or an other and to manipulate us into a perpetual state of reciprocal hatred. I don't stand for Israel, I don't stand for Palestina, I don't stand for Ukraine or Russia. I stand with the innocent people who are harmed by what governments and ruling militias do to further their agendas. When you pick side you are just lending your support for them to do more of the same. Stop with the 'othering' and the 'Us vs 'Them' dynamic. When we take sides, lose trust and get angrier and angrier, we not only solidify this idea of the other as seperate. We also start to loose our ability to listen, commmunicate and even practise the slightest of empathy. Now more then ever we need to acknowledge that we are all vulnerable to the slow insidious manipulative psychological weapon of dehumanization. Only by acknowledging this and searching for compassion and healing within our hearts we can avoid falling into this trap and prevent history from repeating itself in a never-ending cycle of darkness. Love wins! 🕯️

Chapisha Maoni

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